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Portuguese mobile network call

Portuguese mobile network call

Portuguese fixed network call

Portuguese mobile network call

Hypertention in cats and dogs

In healthy animals, the blood pressure, within a narrow range of physiological values, ensures that the tissues are nourished and oxygenated and allows the blood to collect and transport the toxic products resulting from the animal’s metabolism and its disposal through the body.

What is it?

Hypertension is defined as an abnormal state of persistent high blood pressure. The clinical diagnosis of hypertension can be achieved through the measurement of blood pressure, the physical examination and complementary investigation.

What are the consequences on health?

A persistent increase in blood pressure can cause damage in various organs. the most irrigated organs are the most targeted.

High blood pressure leads to hemodynamic changes, with implications to the heart (cardiac hypertrophy, heart murmurs, arrhythmias), kidneys (kidney failure), eyes (detachment of the retina, sudden blindness), and nervous system (depression, apathy, convulsions, fainting). The hypertensive cats may have various clinical signs depending on the disease responsible for the development of hypertension. The most common complaints include weight loss, polydipsia and polyuria, appetite, attitude or behaviour changes.

Is there a treatment?

The treatment of the primary disease is essential, but it is often necessary to make an additional treatment with anti-hypertensive medication.
Blood pressure normalization of and reversibility of organic injuries when possible, are the treatment’s goals.

How do you measure an animal’s blood pressure?

Through fast and simple specifically developed device for veterinary use. A cuff is placed and inflated around one of the animal’s members, and values are calculated automatically. The animal should be, if possible, in a stressless and comfortable position.