Dog breeds – Japanese Spitz

It is an attractive nordic breed, with a thick immaculate white hair, despite being small it is a good guarding dog, like the samoyedo, a very resemblant breed.
Japanese Spitz measures between 30 and 35 cm and has a lively and intelligent expression.
It’s head is slightly rounded, medium in size and moderate in width.
The snout is pointed, but not too wide or thick.
The eyes are black, almond-shaped and slightly obliqual. The ears are also small and thick.
A 8 weeks old Japanese Spitz, should weigh between 2.5 kg and 3kg. This breed reaches its maturity quickly, its maximum height is reached around 8 months of age.
When choosing this breed, you should take into account the demand for a extroverted puppy, with clean and bright eyes, whithout any trace of tears. The pigmentation should be completely black.
While growing, usually between 6 / 8 months, it may try to be a little dominant, so you should ensure that it learns his place early, within the family. The dog-hair falls and will be replaced by a stronger whiter fur.
The Japanese Spitz is a tough breed, and its owner will not have any major complications during it’s growth period.
The animal breeders warn that these small animals only bark too mutch if the owner does not teach them to do not such thing, therefore he should take the proper precautions to prevent this situation.
Certainly it is an excellent choice for a family with children, since it is a very protective dog, alert and gentle.